Warranty Terms

Rapid Remaps offers quality services by trained specialists, who will ensure that the qualities; low down tractability, reliability and fuel economy, the main qualities that attracted you to a diesel engine, are not to be compromised. When remapping a diesel, we aim to increase these qualities within the safety limits of the car. If you choose to remap or retune your diesel engine, you will notice an improvement in increased horsepower, torque, better throttle response, smoother power delivery and improved fuel economy, along with safer overtaking. We achieve these outcomes by matching parameters, boost pressure, fuel delivery and adjust the maps electronically to limit the torque, throttle response and top speed. All the information is found in the ECU, and is optimised by our trained technicians.




Exhaust Gas recirculation (EGR) is the process, which reduces NOx emissions by recirculating a controllable proportion of the engines exhaust back into the intake air. There is a valve that controls the flow of gas, which can be closed completely. However, this valve can become clogged with carbon deposits, which causes the valve to stick or in some cases, fail which causes error codes in the engine, resulting in the vehicle not working how it should.


At Rapid Remaps we disable the EGR to improve the quality of your engine performance. We do this by blocking off the exhaust input and then reprogramming the ECU. This results in lowered engine temperatures, improved throttle response and economy. It may also increase the engine life span. This is because we have reduced the oil contamination and carbon deposits.


Modern engines recirculate some of their exhaust gases back into the engine with the aim of reducing emissions. This is the is the main benefit of the EGR system. The downside is that exhaust fumes containing carbon deposits are constantly being recirculated through the engine through time causing a build-up of carbon deposits in the intake manifold etc.

These deposits sometimes contribute to the failure of the EGR system itself. Replacement EGR valves can be expensive and in the case of high mileage engines the continual carbon build up can eventually lead to total engine failure.

Removal of the EGR system by banking off the exhaust input and reprogramming of the engine management ECU results in lowered engine temperatures, improved throttle response and economy and also can lengthen engine life by reducing oil contamination and carbon deposits.


The EGR theory works by sending a small part of inactive gas exhaust back into a vehicle's cylinders, hence eject negligible toxins into the environment. This reduces the heat of combustion yet the same amount of pressure is still applied to this piston while reducing the amount of excess oxygen prior to combustion. A few studies conducted on diesel engines demonstrate that the portion of nitrous oxide gas emissions is definitely reduced through the use of EGR, however concentrations of smoke density can actually increase. Thus there seem to be pluses and minuses depending on what's important to you in your specific vehicle

Usually, an engine recirculates exhaust gas by piping it from the exhaust manifold to the inlet manifold. This design is called external EGR. A control valve (EGR Valve) within the circuit regulates and times the gas flow. Some engines incorporate a camshaft with relatively large overlap during which both the intake valve and the exhaust valve are open, thus trapping exhaust gas within the cylinder by not fully expelling it during the exhaust stroke.


At present it is not illegal to remove the EGR valve and it doesn’t form part of the MOT test. Whether this might be tightened up in the future, no one knows and our best guess that even if it is, then it will not be applied retrospectively.

Since the EGR system recirculates a portion of exhaust gases, over time the valve can become clogged with carbon deposits that prevent it from operating properly. Clogged EGR valves can sometimes be cleaned, but replacement is often necessary if the valve is faulty.
